Intense Gym Website Template

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Created: Jun 20, 2016

Updated: Jun 20, 2016

ID: 58882

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Intense Gym Website Template - Features Image 1Intense Gym Website Template - Features Image 2Intense Gym Website Template - Features Image 3Intense Gym Website Template - Features Image 4Intense Gym Website Template - Features Image 5
This fully responsive Gym Equipment Website Template is one of the numerous child templates of Intense. Its design is featured by the extensive usage of black and red colors, which grant it a powerful and energetic look. In the top of its layout resides a sticky menu, which remains visible while the page is being scrolled down, thus improving the usability of your website. There are many other visual improvements in this template: the image blocks on the homepage are gingered up with modern parallax effect, and the buttons are beautifully animated using pure CSS. The footer contains Flickr and Twitter social feed widgets, social buttons and a newsletter form.

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This Travel web template is Responsive

What is it?

This is basically the capability of the page layout to transform according to the width of the screen.

Why is it Good?

It is good considering that the website is available for more users from the huge number of devices.

Fresh Responsive website design templates here

This Sport Gear website design template is Retina Ready

What is it?

Retina Ready WordPress themes are templates that will be able to adapt to Retina displays and still appear sharp and bright.

Why is it Good?

Retina Ready designs make all visuals and website content look clearer, brighter, and more vivid.

Find more Retina Ready web templates here

This is a Parallax Sport Gear website design

What is it?

Parallax is a scrolling technique where forefront illustrations transfer more quickly than the back ones.

Why is it Good?

Parallax scrolling offers your site visitors an impression of depth in 2D spaces of your website. It makes your resource more vivid and unique. Parallax is good for spicing up a landing page, giving life to infographics, or even exhibiting a portfolio.

Find more Parallax website design templates here

This is a Bootstrap 4 Travel web template

What is it?

Bootstrap 4 is the current edition of the popular responsive HTML, CSS, and JavaScript framework. It's totally free of cost to upload and make use of.

Why is it Good?

Bootstrap 4 makes it possible developing responsive websites with excellent mobile UX.

View more Bootstrap 4 web templates here

This is a Bootstrap Gym Trainer website design

What is it?

Bootstrap is a free grid-based framework that allows the creation of mobile-ready websites.

Why is it Good?

Thanks to the use of Bootstrap a website will adapt its content to any display size. It's important for both Search engine optimisation and website visitors.

Fresh Bootstrap website design templates here


Intense Gym Version 1.1 (August 28, 2018) Additions

7 Reviews for this product

Great template! My clients were pleased and delighted! Well done!
Es fehlt noch ein Menüpunkt in dem gezeigt wird wie die Top Navigation mit einem Unterpunkt aussieht.
Its perfect! Everything are nice, and beautyful! I build website first time, and it was really simple and easy to do! If you want a beautyfull and easy to build website, you need to get it!
Muy buena plantilla responsive y además una atención fabulosa por parte de su desarrollador tras la adaptación de la misma a WordPress. Esta adaptación permitirá que se pueda cambiar de manera fácil por nuestro personal y que iremos realizando esa personalización en breve.
Шаблон выполнен профессионально: - адаптивность, - качественные фото, - параллакс эффекты и т.д. Также видна тщательная проработка многих других деталей и визуальных эффектов. НО есть и минусы: - css на +30 000 строк (1,12 Мб) если верстать в ручную, можно все тоже самое в 300 - 500 строк сделать; - В js подключено много лишнего (ИМХО), например Flickr, который чере api пытается загрузить свои данные и виснит...; - Местами есть незакрытие теги html, например , хотя это мелочь... В общем оценка 7 из 10 - для бюджетного проекта - лучший вариант. Если нужно, что-то круче придется допиливать.
Спасибо за Ваш отзыв! Что касается Ваших замечаний, мы стараемся сделать более подробный код, чтобы исключить все возможные накладки и иметь возможность адаптивности каждого елемента. То же самое и с Flickr, мы стараемся подгрузить все возможное, чтоб охватить более обширный спектр запросов. По тегам, передали Ваш комментарий нашим разработчикам.

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